TOPEKA — Kansas Governor Laura Kelly and Labor Secretary Delia Garcia announced a new unemployment claims process Thursday during the governor's daily press conference.
The new program asks claimants to file an application for benefits and weekly claims on certain days by the first letter of their last name.
If you need to file a claim and your last name begins with the letter A - M, file a claim on Sunday (after noon, Tuesday, or Thursday.
If you need to file a claim and your last name begins with the letter N - Z, file a claim on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Remember: claims filed on either Sunday or Monday will be paid at the same time, so there is no disadvantage to you if your last name is Zook and you file on Mon. instead of Sun.

Participating in the Labor Department's gating program will help to ensure that all Kansans eligible for unemployment insurance benefits will have access to the system.