Dec 16, 2020

Kan. inmates housed in Arizona prison return to Lansing

Posted Dec 16, 2020 5:45 PM
Saguaro Correctional Center google image
Saguaro Correctional Center google image

Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) residents housed at the Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, AZ returned to Lansing Correction Facility (LCF) Tuesday, according to a media release from KDOC.

The 118 individuals cleared all COVID-19 testing protocols prior to their return to Kansas. To further protect the health of all involved, they will remain in quarantine for 21 days at LCF before relocation to other KDOC facilities.

In Oct. 2019, KDOC transferred the residents to the private prison in Arizona under a contract with Nashville-based CoreCivic. This was done to manage overcapacity challenges in Kansas prisons and anticipated growth in numbers.

Jeff Zmuda, secretary of corrections, said while sending Kansas residents to another state was less than ideal, it was the best option available at that time to protect the safety of all staff and residents.

“We had planned to return our residents to Kansas by the end of June 2020,” Zmuda said. “However, this plan was disrupted by the pandemic. We continued to revisit the original plan and have determined returning our residents at this time is in the best interest of all those involved.”

Two KDOC officials were onsite in Arizona the week of Dec. 7, 2020 to discuss with the residents the planned move and answer questions. CoreCivic provided transportation from the Arizona facility to Kansas for the medium- and maximum- custody residents.