Aug 19, 2020

Patient volumes are a focus for Geary Community Hospital officials

Posted Aug 19, 2020 10:00 AM

Patient volumes are improving at Geary Community Hospital. Frank Corcoran, CEO, said surgical, ED, diagnostic and inpatient volumes received discussion at the monthly Board of Trustees meeting.

Patient volumes in July got close to the pre-COVID numbers that existed prior to the pandemic. Year to date from May 1 until the present time the hospital is seeing about a 10 to 15 percent volume decrease in each of those areas. "If we can keep moving forward as the numbers are coming back without any spikes or any pandemic causes to make our volumes drop again I think we're going to be in good shape."

Corcoran says volumes are coming back and they need patients to come back to the hospital and start using the services. "We're almost there, we're not quite there yet but we need to keep pushing and keep going. We think the hospital is safe."