JC Post
Jul 01, 2020

USD 475 outlines school and safety procedures for the 2020-2021 school year

Posted Jul 01, 2020 6:03 PM

During this pandemic health emergency and the re-opening of schools in August 2020, USD 475 will take proactive steps to protect the educational environment and workplace to make certain all essential educational services are continuously provided, and that students and employees are safe on a daily basis. The following practices will be adhered to as preparations are made for re-opening schools  and starting the 2020-2021 school year:

*Provide a clean school environment to prevent the spread of infection in the school buildings, including the regular cleaning of objects and areas that are frequently used, such as bathrooms, break rooms, conference rooms, door handles and railings. A health department recommended cleaning solution or disinfecting wipes will be provided to employees and students to clean personal workspaces and equipment.

*Reducing the transmission of infectious disease in the school environment will take the cooperation of everyone and will require frequent hand washing with warm, soapy water; the requirement of wearing a face mask; covering mouths when sneezing or coughing; and discarding used tissues. These measures will require all staff to be diligent in the cleaning of classroom surface areas to mitigate possible transmissions.

*Normal attendance will remain in place. Families that believe their students may face challenges attending school should contact the school to consider the remote learning option (information on the remote learning opportunity will be provided July 1st.

*During an infectious disease outbreak, it is critical that students and employees do not report to school while they are ill and/or experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that individuals self-quarantine for a minimum of fourteen days.

In addition, the following Building Safety Measures are being considered for the start of the 2020-2021 school year:

Parents and Public in buildings – There will be extremely limited opportunities for parents and public in our schools within reason. We will not hold opportunities in the first semester which bring large groups of parents and public into our schools. Individual meetings that cannot be conducted virtually may be held following appropriate safety guidelines. Schools will develop procedures for dropping off supplies and picking up students during the school day.

Orientations and Back to School Open House – These will be conducted virtually.

Entry into the buildings – Schools will utilize as many entrances as possible for students to use during arrival and dismissal which are feasible and safe. Notice will be given to parents to drop students off as close to breakfast and school starting times as possible to avoid the gathering of students waiting for school to begin.

Morning meeting structures – Morning meeting sessions will be delivered to classrooms virtually.

Breakfast procedures – Eliminate as many students in the breakfast room as possible. Consider alternative locations such as classrooms for consuming breakfast.

Lunchroom procedures – Eliminate as many students in the lunchroom as possible. For some this may be 100% eating in classrooms. Others may provide a 50/50 split for social distancing. Food Service is considering all prepackaged food items.

Community Student Supplies – There will be no use of community student supplies (the bins on desks students share). Each student will use his/her own individual supplies.

Recess procedures and equipment – Limit the number of students on the equipment as much as possible. More information on disinfecting procedures to come.

Assemblies and Fundraisers – No large student gatherings.

After school academic programs – Individual or small group tutoring allowed.

Field trips and Award ceremonies – These will not occur.

Restroom and Hall Procedures – USD 475 administrators are still working through the details.

 Geary County USD 475 will continue to strive to provide you with honest and transparent information as, together, we face today’s challenges.