Certified teachers in Geary USD 475 are expected to be on-site at schools beginning Thursday. Lacee Sell, Associate Superintendent, explained there will be discussions and review of the operations plan and the reentry plan for the district. USD 475 is preparing for the upcoming school year and the challenges that could be posed by the coronavirus pandemic.
Sell said the following week there will two days of professional development, Aug. 25 and 26. "When you stop and think about the magnitude of teachers that we have to develop in prepping for this year, most of that, 99.9 percent of that will be done online virtually."
The associate superintendent noted that there have been many hours of planning, guidance and input from principals, and discussions with teachers. "I would like to think that it's been a concentrated effort by many. We could be a model for anybody to use as far as what we've done. The Schoology work is next to none. "
Sell added that the efforts that those teams are putting together in the event that the school buildings could not open then USD 475 would be in a position where the district could continue to have school. Remote learning platforms could then be used.
Classes for students begin Aug. 31. As of Monday 29 percent of the students were enrolled in the remote learning option and the remainder in brick and mortar schools.