Jul 06, 2020

Riley County positive COVID-19 cases now total in excess of 300

Posted Jul 06, 2020 8:16 PM

Riley County health officials confirmed Monday that the county has 36 new positive cases since the Friday, July 3 report, bringing the total to 309. There are now 155 (+7) active, 151 (+29) recovered, and 3 deaths.
Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan has one positive patient who is on a ventilator and no (0) PUI patients currently hospitalized.
Riley County is hiring additional staff to keep up with the demands of contact tracing for the health department. Contact tracers communicate with positive patients and their close contacts by phone and are an important part of the response. Visit the Riley County jobs portal online for more details or to submit an application. https://ks-rileycounty.civicplushrms.com/careers/
Riley County Statistics for Monday, July 6, 2020:

  1. Total positive cases in Riley County Residents: 309*
  2. Total Active: 155
  3. Total Recovered: 151
  4. Currently Hospitalized: 1
  5. Total deaths: 3
  6. Pending test results: 136
  7. Negative test results: 3,046
  8. Gender: Female: 43% (133)   Male: 57% (176)
  9. Average age: 30.3 years

*Please note, KDHE is reporting a total of 286 for Riley County. That number is incorrect. The total number of positives for Riley County is 309. The public can find daily updates for statewide statistics at https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/160/COVID-19-in-Kansas.