Oct 16, 2020

Riley County Health Department reports 11th COVID-19 related death

Posted Oct 16, 2020 9:30 PM

The Riley County Health Department was notified of the eleventh COVID-related death in the county. The patient passed away in his home in Manhattan at the age of 67. No further details will be released about the patient.

Riley County has 31 new positive cases and 14 additional recoveries since Wednesday’s report. Case counts are preliminary and subject to verification.
Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan is caring for 2 positive patients at this time. The patients have symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization.

Riley County Statistics for Friday, October 16, 2020:

  1. Total positive cases in Riley County Residents: 2,035
  2. Total active: 107
  3. Total recovered: 1,917
  4. Total deaths: 11

Anyone who would like to be tested for COVID-19 is welcome to participate in the free testing events in City Park weekend. This evening, drive-up testing will be available from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. On Saturday, free testing is available from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Please wear a mask and enter the park from Fremont Street, near Wefald Pavilion. No appointment or doctor’s referral is necessary and participants will be notified of test results as soon as they are received. Typically, results take 2-4 days to process.

There are currently 10 active outbreaks in Riley County. No new outbreaks have been identified since the last report. Three outbreaks passed the 28 day period without a new case and have been declared expired: Homestead Assisted Living, Gamma Phi Beta, and Sigma Kappa. An outbreak is declared released or expired when 28 days have passed without a new positive case.

See a PDF of outbreak information at https://www.rileycountyks.gov/DocumentCenter/View/19543/10-16-public-outbreak-information

*Please note, some ages have been updated after patient information was verified. Category totals have changed since last reported on Monday, October 12. The column at the right represents the 31 new cases in Riley County.