Apr 19, 2024

JCHS students earn certification

Posted Apr 19, 2024 2:26 PM

By Matt Hoover

USD 475 Communications Coordinator

Six Junction City High School advanced culinary students were recently awarded ServSafe® Manager National Certification by passing a 90-question, multiple-choice managers exam .Earning certification for a first time in school history were juniors Alexander Bunch, Emanuel Marquise, Ronald Schnurr and Ethan Sumrall, as well as senior Avery Richardson and sophomore Aubrey Goddard.

The ServSafe® Manager Certification verifies that a manager or person-in-charge has sufficient food safety knowledge to protect the public from foodborne illness. In addition, Junction City High School also had 85 entry level culinary students receive a 75% or higher on the ServSafe® Food Handler Examination to earn certification as a food handler.

Overall, the high school had 123 entry level students take the exam and by doing so they made history since this was the first year that JCHS has ever given the food handler exam to its entry level students. The ServSafe® Food Handler Examination is a national certification program designed to teach safe handling practices to foodservice employees and others who handle and serve food to the public. 

( Photo - USD 475 )
( Photo - USD 475 )