Sep 30, 2020

Second Manhattan firefighter tests positive for COVID-19

Posted Sep 30, 2020 10:23 PM

Manhattan Fire Department has received notification that a firefighter tested positive for COVID-19. The firefighter began showing symptoms while on duty and left work to be tested. That person recovering in isolation at their home.

The Fire Department started an investigation to determine the level of contact the employee had with other emergency personnel and the public during the course of their duties. Each employee who had close contact with the patient will be tested and those employees are currently in quarantine at their homes. The Riley County Health Department is also conducting contact tracing to determine contacts with the public and notify those individuals. 

The Manhattan Fire Department will continue to provide fire, emergency and inspection services to the community during the pandemic. Plans and procedures are in place to limit staff exposure to the virus and ensure that personnel will always be available to carry out the mission of the Fire Department.

"We will continue to act quickly when any of our employees test positive or have had close contact with positive patients, said Manhattan Fire Chief Scott French. "As we have done throughout the pandemic, we are committed to providing the same high level of fire and emergency services to our residents as we always have." 

The previous firefighter that tested positive last month has since recovered and returned to duty.