Dec 01, 2020

SPARKS funding continues to be distributed in Geary Co.

Posted Dec 01, 2020 7:49 PM

As of Monday, Geary County Commission Chairman Keith Ascher reported that approximately $5 million of the $6.3 million in COVID-10 SPARKS money targeted for the county had been distributed. Approximately $1 million remains to be distributed to local entities and organizations.

The largest allotment is $2 million targeted for a radio system, explained Ascher.

"For all entities in the county. Includes the sheriff, the PD, the (Junction City) fire department the rural fire department, high school, hospital, Konza, everybody that needs to be in first responder stuff was attached to that," he said.

The remainder of the money must be distributed by the end of the month, and allotments for those funds are already set.