Recent Booking Activity for the Geary County Detention Center. All persons included in this post are innocent of crimes until proven guilty in a court of law.

Bonds have been posted. Photos are unavailable.
Dorian Ayala Cantoran, Failure to appear, arrested 04/19
Sergio Garcia-Martinez, Operate a motor vehicle without a valid license, Interference with LEO, Falsely report information leading to obstruction, arrested 04/19
Rickey Gassen, Theft-all other, arrested 04/19
Rodney Horne, Criminal deprivation of property, arrested 04/19
Zachary Pyle, Driving while license cancelled/suspended/revoked, Transporting an open container, Driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol, arrested 04/20
Christopher Strickland, Outside warrant, Driving while license cancelled/suspended/revoked, arrested 04/20
Patrick Grove, Domestic battery, arrested 04/20
Aaron Scheck, Driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol, arrested 04/21
Recent Booking Activity for the Geary County Detention Center. All persons included in this post are innocent of crimes until proven guilty in a court of law.