By Dewey Terrill
Little Apple Post
Riley County police are responding to citizen anxiety about an armed young man walking through the Manhattan community .
During a Town Hall meeting in the City Park, RCPD Director Brian Peete addressed the topic and responded to questions. He noted that police are working with federal and state authorities on the case involving the armed man to determine what options, if any are available. This is an open carry state. "The Department will always protect and not infringe on the constitutional rights, the federal constitution or state constitutions, but that being said we are limited in what what we can or cannot do as far as our interactions with this person who is armed." Peete added that this is the time for people to reach out to their personal delegations to make their opinions and ideas known.
The Police Director confirmed that RCPD has had multiple direct communications with this armed individual. "One of the things frequently said is that we have to observe that individual's right to carry his firearms within the community." Peete said he wants to do everything to protect the community. He noted the young man is walking around town with a loaded rifle.
Peete advised the public to continue to call 911 so police are aware where the person is located and they are also seeing if they can engage with him to see if they can talk to him and determine if community resources can be brought to help and what his personal motives are. "As to again what your personal motives are and all these types of things and try to get him to understand the effect it is having." Peete said that they have to look out for how this affects businesses and K-State especially.
The RCPD Director reported that this man has been no trespassed from K-State grounds and is not allowed to be anywhere on the property at K-State." He added that the RCPD is monitoring this closely. "K-State PD has had communications with this particular individual and he is fully aware of that."
Peete liked one idea generated by a question, that as people call in the location of this individual are police telling the community that they are aware of this armed individual at a location. "Just so the public is aware so they just don't want to be around that, then the public is aware of that." Peete called it a good point and said he thought it would be something authorities would have a good discussion about.