Riley County has 41 new positive cases and 1 recovery since Friday’s report. The totals are now 225 active, 376 recovered, and 5 deaths.
Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan is caring for 1 positive patient and zero PUI* patients at this time. The patient has symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization.
The Riley County Health Department (RCHD) is contacting all who were swabbed at Vineyard Community Church on Thursday, August 20th. There were a total of 18 positive results of the 478 tested at that event, though not all were Riley County residents.
Anyone who has symptoms, is a close contact of a positive patient, or would like information about how to get tested should contact their health care provider or call the Riley County Screening Line at 785-323-6400. The Screening Line is staffed by nurses and is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Riley County Statistics for Monday, August 24, 2020:
- Total positive cases in Riley County Residents: 606
- Total active: 225
- Total recovered: 376
- Total deaths: 5
- Pending test results: 131
- Negative test results: 6,208
- Average age: 30.8 years old
- Gender: Female: 47.0% (285), Male 53.0% (321)