Nov 03, 2023

Junction City Commission Candidates air their views

Posted Nov 03, 2023 10:00 AM

Approximately 80 people attended a Junction City Commission candidate forum where they were asked questions.  The forum at the Geary County 4-H / Senior Center was organized by Christy Upham for an Informed Citizens of Geary County group.

We are running the candidate comments on the next few days. Friday the candidate is Al Gordon.

The vision that I have for the future of Junction City is one that is bright, vibrant, and most importantly thriving.  I envision a place where the people who are born here are proud to say they’re from here and the ones who come here (like myself) make this their permanent residence. A place where businesses both small and large are not just surviving but succeeding on a level that inspires others. Where streets are fixed/cleaned, sidewalks are repaired, and unsafe structures are demolished or restored for proper use. I have a vision for getting us back to common sense government, unity in the leadership groups, and giving the community a safe haven to speak up and voice their opinions.

I believe the biggest priorities that need to be addressed are one, the truancy and discipline issues going on with our children. Two, the drug and homelessness epidemic plaguing our city. Three, the debt that still needs to be paid while creating a plan for staying out of debt and never making the same decisions to lead us back down that path. I also believe we have to give the community their voice back.

The changes that I believe need to be made is getting back to common sense government, doing what’s best for the entire city and not just one group or certain groups of individuals, also giving the people a say in the decisions being made. With that being said we have to appoint the right people with the right motives to the appropriate positions. I would implement this by holding public community forums, opening up the floor for dialogue at townhall meetings, and having referendums on political decisions/question.

There are a few solutions I propose for paying off the debt. These solutions include sticking to a strict budget while continuing to implement the plan already set to pay debt off. Prioritizing debt payments by allocating a significant portion of the budget to pay of the debt. Also, economic development to encourage economic growth, job creation, and increase revenue to bring in more tax dollars and decrease reliance on debt.

When it comes to the Taylor Road Interchange, I definitely want to see growth and expansion of our city in the future. As for now I believe that we need to focus on fixing/improving our current city’s conditions. Such as repairing our streets including potholes, cracks, and divots. Our sidewalks need work in certain areas of the city as well. Also, we have to address the unsafe structures, either demolish and rebuild or repair and reestablish them. I believe we need to maintain what we have already before adding more to our plate.

My approach to landowners on Taylor Road would be to present them with an offer that includes a proper plan drawn off of extensive knowledge and research allowing them to make a calculated decision. This offer would benefit the entire city and not a certain group of individuals. If their answer is still the same, then I would try to come up with a better agreement or simply just honor the decision.

The slaughterhouse situation is one of those deals that I believe needs to be brought to a referendum. I am a firm believer in doing what’s best for the community as a whole. With that being said the community needs to have a say in this decision as well as others.

I would include the public by having open discussions at the commission meetings allowing for dialogue between commissioners and the citizens. These discussions would not be exclusive to the public comment section but other matters as well so that the people understand what is going on and can give their opinion on matters.  This would also allow city officials to give feedback and answer any questions proposed by the public to the best of their ability. As mentioned earlier I would also implement referendums that allow voting on plans, decisions, and issues in our community.

I am bringing true leadership to the table, meaning I’m not in this for a title or benefiting self but doing right by the entire community. I bring new ideas, a fresh mindset, and a bit of a big city mentality. I am truly integrated in the community sitting on committees/boards, hosting events while attending/participating in community events. I believe I can bring some if not all of the changes that we want to see, with your support and the teamwork from my future constituents.

The election is November 7.