Nov 23, 2019

Play JC, YMCA and JCHS work to kick off the basketball season

Posted Nov 23, 2019 11:00 AM

This past Thursday, Play JC teamed up with the Junction City High School basketball coaches to host a kick-off event for the local 1st and 2nd grade YMCA basketball program. Coaches Nick Perez and Tim Testa volunteered time in the first practice of their seasons to provide an opportunity for mentorship between the high school teams and the younger players.

YMCA players learned about the importance of respecting their teammates and coaches, making good grades and being kind. They also ran through some drills alongside the Blue Jay and Lady Jay players.

PlayJC looks forward to continuing the program with the second group of YMCA basketball teams in January, as well as similar collaborations between JCHS teams and local sports programs.