Mar 06, 2020

Geary County Fish & Game Association summer trap league teams are forming

Posted Mar 06, 2020 8:52 PM

March is the beginning of the summer trap league for the Geary County Fish & Game Association. According to the Association newsletter the league runs until October.

This league has been in operation for more than 35 years and its roots can be traced back to the old Junction City Gun Club at the Junction City airport. 

Teams of seven members shoot 50 targets monthly, 25 at 16 yards and 25 at handicap distance, and the top five scores are used for the team score. 

Targets can be shot any time during the month before or on the official league day which is the last Tuesday of every month. Targets may be shot more than once during the month to improve scores.

Team sponsorships cost $45 and that covers team and class trophies at the end of the year. League targets cost $14 each time you shoot them and shell trophies are awarded to the winnerand runner-up in each class on a monthly basis.

More information is available at Sportsman's Acres.