In accordance with Department of Defense and Department of the Army guidance, Fort Riley will implement mission essential manning at 12 p.m. on Thursday, March 26, 2020.
Mission essential functions are those functions in support of COVID-19 operations and the life, health, and safety of personnel and the installation. Mission Essential tasks also includes those activities to prepare for or provide support to global operations like Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, Europe, etc. Thus, some essential flight operations and limited training may continue with general officer approval.
Non-mission essential functions include but are not limited to: field training exercises, group or unit physical readiness training, or other training directed at satisfying unit tactical requirements. Physical readiness training may be conducted at the individual or team level if CDC social distancing, group size (i.e. no mass formation, and increased hygiene guidelines are observed. Commanders and supervisors will inform individual personnel if they are mission essential or non-mission essential.
At the gate, ALL personnel must show proper ID and answer screening questions.
DoD ID card holders and pre-existing Fort Riley Visitor Badge holders are still able to enter Fort Riley, however they must comply with social distancing and increased hygiene measures, such as hand wash stations.
Effective March 26, the following gate hours are in effect: Henry--Open 24/7; Trooper--Open 24/7; Grant--Open 0500-2000, M-F; 12th Street--Open 0500-1900, M-F; Ogden--Open 0500-2200, daily; Estes--Open 0500-1900, daily; Four Corners--Open, 24/7. Contractors with DOD ID Cards or Valid Fort Riley Visitor Pass may continue using any open access control point.Active duty service members may obtain a Fort Riley Visitor Badge for a family member with O-5 Commander approval. Commercial deliveries, such as to the Commissary and PX, are still permitted. Contractors or commercial deliveries without DOD ID or Fort Riley Visitor Pass must use the 12 Street Gate.o Fort Riley leaders are continuing to assess access control measures based of DoD guidance and additional updates to amended hours, closures, and personnel authorized to access the installation.
• Fort Riley residents may depart the installation but must comply with the orders of civil authorities in surrounding communities (e.g. no gatherings in excess of 10 people).
• Military Treatment Facilities and pharmacies will continue to support beneficiaries. Check the Fort Riley Homepage or Irwin Army Community Hospital Facebook page for latest updates. If uncertain, call (785) 239-DOCS to speak to a registered nurse.