Geary County is under a 30-day Stay at Home order. The goal is to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and encourage social distancing.
Terry Johnson, Junction City Fire Chief, said when you call the Fire Department or 911 you will be asked a series of questions. "We're asking these questions so that we can provide the appropriate response and protect you, our community and our firefighters. "You will be asked if you have a fever above 100 degrees and if you have a cough, runny nose, muscle aches or shortness of breath. "Depending on your answers they may continue to ask you are you living with a person that is currently ill? Has that person flown anywhere in the last two weeks? Has that person been outside the United States?"
Johnson stated that the information they gather will allow Fire Department personnel to provide an appropriate response to protect the person calling, the community and the firefighters.
Under the order people are directed to stay at home and leave their residence only to perform essential activities. Those can range from tasks essential to their health and safety of their family or household members to obtaining medical supplies, medication, visiting a healthcare professional, obtaining groceries and gas to going to banks and financial institutions.