Apr 05, 2020

Health Officer provides COVID-19 related advice

Posted Apr 05, 2020 10:14 AM
Geary County Health Department Director speaking at the podium.
Geary County Health Department Director speaking at the podium.

By Dewey Terrill

JC Post

One person has been diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus in Geary County. That was confirmed by Health Department and Emergency Management officials Saturday afternoon, with County Health Department Director Tammy Von Busch saying their two nurses were conducting investigations with the patient to find out where she's been, "and make sure we can track down wherever she might have picked it up and get in contact with any other contacts that she may have."

The individual who contracted the virus is a 40-year old woman from Junction City. She had been in self-quarantine for at least 14 days before the COVID-19 test results were returned Saturday morning. The test was given on March 27th. She and her family members are quarantined at home.

Von Busch said they recommend that if you're sick with a respiratory issue that you call the hospital ahead of time so that medical personnel can be prepared. "We don't just want people walking in, potentially having something that they're going to pass around before we realize what's going on. So we ask them to call ahead, tell them that they have some kind of symptoms. And then the emergency room will be prepared, meet them at the door, put a mask on them and then proceed from there."