There is new information to indicate community spread of the coronavirus in Riley County.The Riley County Health Department said Sunday that one of the recent positive cases did not travel outside of the community. The source of the patient’s exposure is unknown. A community spread case means the patient had no recent travel history or contact with another person known to be infected, indicating that the virus may have spread within the local community.
The patient is currently in isolation at home and took all of the right actions as soon as symptoms developed. The Riley County Health Department is completing contact tracing, but the individual confirmed that they went to the west side Dillons on March 26 and to Walmart on March 30. The patient developed symptoms on March 31 and has been in isolation since that time.
“Staying home is the best weapon we have to stop the spread of the disease," said Local Health Officer Julie Gibbs. "Everyone who complies with the order doing their part to help save lives. We need everyone to take this seriously."
Riley County Statistics for Sunday, April 5, 2020:
•Total number of positive cases: 13•Median age of positive cases: 38 years•No hospitalizations; all patients are recovering in isolation at home•Total negative tests for Riley County residents: 79•Total pending tests for Riley County residents: 18•Total Riley County residents being monitored (includes close contacts and travelers, but NOT positive cases): 34•Total Riley County Residents who have completed their monitoring/quarantine period: 47•Riley County is averaging two new cases per day, which is well below the rate of spread in hot spot communities.
People should only go out for essential needs, and limit contact with others. Any non-essential travel should be avoided.