Apr 08, 2020

Mayor Underhill says City services will continue and urges community members to continue with social distancing

Posted Apr 08, 2020 1:36 PM
Junction City Mayor Jeff Underhill
Junction City Mayor Jeff Underhill

By Dewey Terrill

JC Post

Junction City Mayor Jeff Underhill said Tuesday night four people in Geary County diagnosed with COVID-19 it's a reminder that the community needs to continue  and improve on social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus. "The Kansas Department of Health & Environment warns that the next 10 days to two weeks will be critical."

Underhill said the city will provide the needed services. "Each day firemen and EMT's have a risk with each person they attend and transport.  Likewise, the police officers may have contact with people and again have to protect themselves. Public works employees are still picking up trash and making sure city services are available to all."

Underhill noted that the City buildings will remain closed until April 19th, and city staff will have future discussions as they move forward. "Our thoughts and wishes go out to all the people in Junction City who are performing essential duties from health care to keeping food available in our grocery stores."

The mayor completed his thoughts noting that it's important to support local businesses that are open now and those that will reopen in the future. He encouraged continued practice of social distancing and patience as we move through this COVID-19 time.