United Way of Junction City / Geary County has announced an adjustment in the distribution of meal kits beginning next week. The Director, Nichole Mader, said because of the difficulty in securing needed items, Meal Kits, will only be distributed on each Friday beginning the week of April 13th. Meals will still be first come, first served and there will be one meal kit per family. Distribution will continue along USD 475 lunch sites.
As of April 9th, United Way has provided more than 2,000 meal kits to families in Geary County. Families are asked to fill out survey information that will allow United Way to apply for grant funding to ensure the program can continue. United Way is still focused on providing as many meals as possible, so volunteers and donations are needed. Those who wish to provide support may donate online, in person, or through text. Twenty dollars can feed four families.
If individuals would like to donate items, a wish list can be found at https://www.unitedwayjcgc.org/seal-project-meals.
Monetary donations can be made at www.unitedwayjcgc.org, or text UWJCGC to 44-321, or in person at 139 E 8th. Donations can also be sent through the mail at PO Box 567, Junction City KS 66441.