May 05, 2020

Dorothy Bramlage Public Library remains closed for now

Posted May 05, 2020 1:55 PM

Dorothy Bramlage Public Library is closed and will remain closed until further notice. Library Director Susan Moyer said a plan for reopening will be announced next week. To protect the health of patrons and staff, the resumption of services will be done in phases and with restrictions and limitations in place for each phase.

The reopening announcement will include the dates when patrons can begin to return materials that were checked out prior to the closing. Due dates on most physical items that were checked out prior to the original closing date have been extended and the accumulation of fines suspended until the library reopens. Items that were already overdue prior to the closure were not renewed but the accumulation of new fines has been suspended during the closure. The book drop will also remain closed until further notice.

New Dorothy Bramlage Public Library borrower's cards continue to be issued as are Kansas Library eCards to facilitate use of digital borrowing and database access. If you are interested in obtaining either card call 785-238-4311 and leave a message or email [email protected]. A staff member will respond Monday through Friday within approximately 24 hours.

Updates on the closure and available digital resources are being posted on the Dorothy Bramlage Public Library Facebook page daily. If you have questions contact Susan Moyer by email at [email protected].