May 06, 2020

Manhattan Town Center to reopen Wednesday

Posted May 06, 2020 2:18 PM

The Manhattan Town Center will reopen with new hours on Wednesday. They will be 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday. 

There will be heightened health and safety measures ranging from enhanced training and installation of hand sanitizer stations in multiple locations to increased frequency of cleaning with a concentration on high traffic areas and all touch points such as door handles and door plates.

Guests are advised to take proper precautionary steps when visiting the Town Center such as wearing facial coverings, frequent hand washing and practicing social distancing.

General Manager Brad Simonsson said they are closely observing guidance from Riley County Health Department regarding reopening orders and will continue to communicate any updates as soon as they become available. Individual retailers and restaurants are adhering and adapting to guidelines and recommendations from local and federal authorities and they will be posting updated hours and information, such as curbside, pickup and to-go details to Some of the retailers and services remain temporarily closed.