Junction City Municipal Court will begin proceedings on May 11th at 10 a.m. Defendants with court scheduled prior to May 11th must contact the Court or their counsel to retrieve that new date.
Court officials said the lobby portion of the building will reopen on Wednesday ( May 6th ) at 8 a.m.
All defendants that appear for court proceedings will receive a temperature screening and a few COVID-19 related questions. Anyone who shows health concerns or screening poses a question will be given a new court appearance date with instructions to contact their physician and the Health Department.
Social distancing rules and regulations outlined by the state and local governments will be adhered to and followed including no more than 10 people at a time in the courtroom. Those awaiting their appearance will be asked to wait outside the Court building, and practice social distancing from other defendants.
Masks and sanitizer will be provided and each person entering the Court will be asked to abide by the recommendations of the health community by wearing a mask while in a public place and around other people.