Governor Kelly has announced that on Monday Kansas will enter Phase 1.5 in the COVID-19 reopening of the state. That's less than a Phase II level initially targeted for possible beginning on May 18.
Phase 1.5 does permit some businesses such as barbershops and hair salons to reopen but others such as theaters and bowling alleys cannot. Gyms can open but bars and nightclubs cannot. The order by the Governor delays the phase level under which local baseball and softball teams can practice and play.
Geary County Health Officer Tammy Von Busch said after seeing the Governor's Order there is still an increase in the number of cases ( statewide ). "And so that's kind of why what the goal is with some of these is, is to minimize spread of disease so she's kind of slowed down the reopening. She's sticking with mass gatherings of no more than ten."
Geary County has not seen an increase of positive COVID-19 cases in recent days, with the county total remaining at 14.