COVID-19 changed a lot of normal practices this year, including commencement at Junction City High School. Approximately 300 members of the Class of 2020 were honored during a virtual ceremony shown Saturday afternoon on the USD 475 You Tube channel.
Melissa Sharp, JCHS Principal, told the seniors their diploma is the passport to the next chapter in their lives. "And it is yours. Take it and fly away Blue Jay." Sharp noted that the graduating class included approximately 300 students with senior spotlights indicating college readiness, technical certifications and continuing education, future military service and work place readiness skills."
Sharp emphasized that the Class of 2020 are just good people. "They regularly demonstrate great character, brighten another person's day, serve as a role model for underclassmen and tug at the heart strings of the Junction City High School staff." The JCHS Principal challenged the graduates to focus on three priorities including their health, people in their lives and their job or school in that order. "If you didn't have this focus prior to March I hope the last two months have taught you how important it is not to take these things for granted, in fact, not to take anything for granted."
Allen McFarland, JCHS history and government teacher, and soccer and basketball coach, spoke to the graduates telling them to find their Why. "When finding my Why I chose education because at the end of the day I like working with people, I like working with kids." McFarland added, Don't settle for a job for your career. Find a Why and make that your career."
Albert Caba De Moto, was one of the class speakers during the virtual commencement. "As we go through this pandemic we are given the choice to say I can or I can't. It is up to us to stand together and say we can. We will not be beat by this pandemic, we will not give up. We can be a positive influence in this difficult time. We can reach our goals, we can overcome adversity and we will overcome."
Dr. Reginald Eggleston, USD 475 Superintendent of Schools, noted no one could have forseen the COVID-19 pandemic. "Never in a million years could anyone have predicted the last five weeks we have experienced. The silver lining in this for me is a greater appreciation for the life I have and opportunities that are before me. There is no such thing as a dress rehearsal in life. We only have one life to live, and we should embrace it and take advantage of every opportunity we have." Eggleston said the pandemic had taught him that we should not postpone the important things in life.
During the Virtual Ceremony a photo of each class member and their name was shown, and there were numerous other prerecorded remarks from JCHS students, alumni, school board, Senator Jerry Moran and military leaders with current or former ties to Fort Riley and the 1st Infantry Division.
The Class of 2020 is the 145th graduating class in the history of Junction City High School.