May 31, 2020

City of Junction City is working on plans to reopen the Municipal Swimming Pool this summer

Posted May 31, 2020 3:28 AM

Junction City Manager Allen Dinkel confirmed this past week that there are plans to open the Municipal Swimming Pool later in June. " We definitely want to be open by the 20th ( June )  now. " 

The Governor's former Phase Two modified reopening plan limited attendance for mass gatherings to 15 people, but that has now been lifted and the county limit is 50 people."Officials aren't ready to open the pool yet for safety reasons. Dinkel also noted that they also still need to get lifeguards trained. 

The City Manager commented that in many cases cities aren't opening pools for financial reasons. "Fortunately I think we are in better shape than some in how we did our budgeting and how we approached some things. "Dinkel expects some decline in sales tax revenues but not as great as larger cities with more dependency on sales tax.

Dinkel is targeting the June 18-20 time frame for reopening the Municipal Swimming Pool.