Jun 02, 2020

One Board member talks about the idea of possibly adjusting the USD 475 calendar

Posted Jun 02, 2020 2:50 PM

The Geary USD 475 Board of Education took action Monday night at the Devin Center to approve an academic calendar for the upcoming school year. Teachers would return to work on Aug. 10 and students would return one week later.

But during the meeting before the action on the academic calendar, one Board member, Dr. Anwar Khoury, surfaced the idea of a future BOE discussion on possibly beginning the school year two weeks earlier. That could leave open December and possibly early January as a period with no classes if a second COVID-19 surge develops during the normal flu season. 

Khoury explained universities have been discussing the issue in case there is another COVID-19 cycle in the fall. "Two weeks early and we finish the school by the end of November, and this is when normally the seasonal, the flu's and all the colds and the COVID, if the best time if it's going to come it will be in December." Khoury also noted that way at least half of the school year would be complete if there is another problem with COVID-19, although he hopes one does not occur.

There was no other action on the topic Monday evening.