It took just six minutes for PowerUpJC to go through approximately $12,000 on Monday afternoon. Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Jeff Underhill said the $10,000 that had been set aside for the promotion to support local businesses went quick. "They weren't quite able to get the ( Chamber ) website shut down quick enough so we did sell a little more than we had budgeted. But the Chamber I think is still looking for some of our partners to step up and maybe contribute a little bit more to help cover the difference. " Underhill added that it showed all the support for small businesses in the community.
Underhill said when the website opened at noon it was bombarded. "I don't believe it was a single business or single individual because we did have limits as to what an individual could purchase, but it was just overhwelming support."
In the promotion individuals could purchase a gift card or certificate from a participating business and get double the value for their purchase. Money donated by local organizations and entities provided the extra cash, and it was all designed to create an infusion of money into the participating businesses.
PowerUpJC offered $10,000 in matching funds on Monday to support local gift card or certificate purchases from local businesses. Consumers could buy a gift card or certificate and get double their value while there could be an infusion of cash into the business as they work to recover from COVID-19.
A check with the Chamber of Commerce revealed that PowerUpJC sold out in six minutes.
The PowerUpJC web store on the Junction City Area Chamber of Commerce web site opens at noon on Monday. This is a promotion designed to provide consumers with double the value purchases of gift cards or certificates from participating businesses, and to help infuse cash flow into those businesses who are reopening from COVID-19.
Director of Member Relations for the Chamber, Dawn Stephens, said the website address is www.jcacc.org. That's where you can make a purchase from a participating business. "You get twice the bang for your buck." Stephens explained cash flow is being infused quickly and the only investment for a business is the gift card or gift certificate. "No monetary investment whatsoever. Someone buys a gift card, we match it with our matching funds from PowerUpJC and we push it on to the business owner."
A total of $10,000 was raised for the program from donors.