Jun 10, 2020

Mobile testing for COVID-19 is a possibility receiving attention

Posted Jun 10, 2020 6:00 AM
Geary County Commission Chairman Keith Ascher
Geary County Commission Chairman Keith Ascher

Mobile testing for COVID-19 could be in the plan for Geary County. Keith Ascher, Geary County Commission, said this week that the Kansas Department of Health & Environment wants to do mobile testing for COVID-19 in the county.

Ascher said the commission received a report from Health Officer, Tammy Von Busch. "She's been contacted by KDHE and they would like to come to the community, or the county, and do mobile testing. They would like to do it in some identified low income areas. "

Ascher noted that the Health Department would have to help identify those locations. "KDHE will meet with the county commissioners and that's probably going to happen in the next couple of weeks."

No final action has been taken at this point.