Multiple Geary County entities and organizations will benefit from a new 800 megahertz radio system that is expected to be funded by COVID-19 relief money.
The county commission has that at the top of their list of projects to be paid for by the COVID-19 money. Commissioner Brad Scholz said the system will help the hospital, police, fire and sheriff's departments. Others could also receive assistance. The cost is $2,683,444 out of the approximate $6.3 million targeted for the county. All of the proposals totaled a combined total of more than ten million dollars.
A local committee has worked to prioritize the projects, which totaled nearly 60. Scholz noted that making cuts was difficult. "Because everyone feels that their's is the most important, but I can tell you with the school district, the cities, county entities everyone has been very receptive. They knew that there were going to have to be cuts made because we're three million over."
The proposed spending plan was turned into the state. The money has been received but the state must approve the projects before it can be spent.
Another project will include a monitor system for Geary Community Hospital totaling about $900,000, a GeneXpert Express which is a molecular test for COVID-19 which provides a quick turnaround result. There are about 60 items on the list. Some other recipients include USD 475, Rural Water District Four, Cloud County Community College, Dorothy Bramlage Public Library and Konza Prairie Community Health Center.