Oct 30, 2023

Junction City sales tax update

Posted Oct 30, 2023 11:41 AM

Junction City Finance Director Lindsay Miller has announced that the City received their October 2023 sales tax increment, and had another great month. The total received for the month was $1,242,018.46, which ranks as the 6th best on record for the City. They are currently $268,394.70 ahead of 2022 sales tax, which is a 2.37% growth from last year. The significant growth from last October 2022 to October 2023 is mostly due to a KDOR error last year. There is definitely some growth though as the Use Tax continue to raise.

The City saw a record for the month of October in City Sales Tax (mirrored in Debt savings ), County Sales Tax, and Use Tax. While it is not looking like that growth will be as substantial as last year, it should still be a great year. There are only two increments remaining for the fiscal year.