Aug 31, 2020

Riley County COVID-19 cases continue to increase

Posted Aug 31, 2020 8:06 PM

Riley County has 112 new positive cases and no (0) recoveries since Friday’s report. There are now 523 active cases, and 394 recovered. A total of 106, or 95%, of the new positive patients are in the 18-24 age group.

Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan is caring for 2 positive patients, and 1 Person Under Investigation (PUI)* at this time. The patients have symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization.

“The more interaction you have with others, the greater your risk of catching the virus,” said Local Health Officer, Julie Gibbs. “Take steps to slow the spread, and when you do have to be around others, make sure to keep your distance and exercise caution.”

The Riley County Health Department (RCHD) also has identified four additional areas of outbreak. The new outbreaks are associated with K-State Football (10), Delta Sigma Phi (8) and Sigma Alpha Epsilon (5) fraternities, and Pi Beta Phi (5) sorority. A COVID-19 outbreak indicates potentially extensive transmission within a setting or organization. An outbreak investigation involves several overlapping epidemiologic, case, and contact investigations, with a surge in the need for public health resources.

Active Outbreaks in Riley County:

  1. Alpha Delta Pi: 6
  2. Alpha Xi Delta: 6
  3. Chi Omega: 5
  4. Kappa Delta: 7
  5. K-State Football: 10
  6. Pi Beta Phi: 5
  1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: 5
  2. Delta Sigma Phi: 8
  3. Phi Delta Theta: 21
  4. USD 384 School District Office: 7

“Many of the positive patients and close contacts associated with Greek housing are choosing to complete their isolation and quarantine periods at their permanent residence,” said Gibbs. “We have met with leaders of these organizations, and will continue to encourage communication.”