Approximately 100 players began the 2020 football season at Junction City High School on Monday. Coach Randall Zimmerman said thinks looked different. "Because of check-in and those kind of things. Everybody was spread out."
Some players didn't have their paperwork turned in yet so they could not practice yet. Zimmerman said the freshman class was low on numbers. "With school not started yet, school gets here and they jump into fall sports and those kind of things." He anticipates a few more freshman will come out for football.
The Blue Jays return three of five offensive linemen and strong experience at running back and quarterback. "Defensively our secondary looks really, really strong. All of those kids are back from a year ago."
The coach felt a lot was accomplished on the first day in installing both offense and defense. Practice is structured differently in the COVID-19 era. "As soon as they walked in they went right to their groups. Groups were spread out, warm up is separate, in groups not as a team. When we address them we're addressing them when they're spread ou."
The Blue Jays open the season against Topeka High, Thursday, Sept. 3 in the capitol city.