Mar 10, 2024

Animal shelter and potholes receive attention in the 515 Report

Posted Mar 10, 2024 10:48 PM

Allen Dinkel, City Manager

This week will be one of those where we will meander through a number of different topics and see where we will go.

There has been much discussion about the streets and the condition of them. Of course, we had tough weather conditions that beat the streets up a bit and yes we had our share of potholes. I know many other cities had them as well, but we have to address what is here in Junction City.

Public Works crews have been filling the potholes. This week much was done on Grant as well in other places across the City. They will continue to address. They will continue to do so. I wish we had more staff to address this issue, but the City, like many other employers, have had a difficult time finding employees. At the same time, other crew members have been tied up taking care of water line issues. There has been more water main breaks than anyone would like, but maybe a good reason to continue the investment in replacing water lines that may be nearly 100 years old. Again, this is just not happening here in Junction City, but in others as well.

The 2024 Street Maintenance Project will soon go to “bid”. We will see where the bids come in, but my guess right now it will be nearly $1.5 Million. The majority of this project will be a mill and overlay as has been done across town the last few years. Some ask how those streets are picked each year. Street condition has been rated and a mixture of both residential streets and higher traffic areas are addressed. Granted the percentages vary from year to year, but there is an effort to keep areas of a size, so we just don’t bounce around town as it costs more for the contractor to have smaller stretchers of streets spread around town in any given year.

Then there are streets that are old but are constructed of concrete. Just like the interstate running by Junction City, at some point the best solution will be to remove and replace. The roundabout at Washington Street and I-70 will be done this year, along with KDOT’s Interstate project. The same contractor that is doing the interstate will do the roundabout so work can be coordinated. The City received a grant from KDOT for $700,000 of the cost with the City covering the remaining $250K or so.

One question I here, is why did the City concrete 3 blocks of alleys? These are all in business areas and the concrete alley will be an asset to commerce. That funding is a bit different than the dollars used for streets and I will go into that sometime.

Last week, I wrote about the Animal Shelter and the need to have a shelter that can handle the increased numbers in the most humane manner possible. Shelter Manager Vanessa Gray made a presentation to the City Commission, and they agreed to move forward. Yes, we will consider a new facility as it can be built to fit the needs, but yes remodeling a building may have merit, but you have to consider drainage, ventilation, and a way to isolate diseased or sick animals. Employee safety is a top issue along with a place where people and families can come to select and rescue a pet from the Shelter.

I have read comments about a business that sells pets here in Junction City. This is not a situation of whether or not they should be here as it is in a proper zoned area. The City does not have the right to decide what businesses are located here, but if it is allowed in a given zone it can be there. Ultimately the customers make the decision.

The Parks and Recreation Department will have skating at Spin City on a couple days during Spring Break this week. The Department’s staff operates the rink so there is no need to hire additional staff. Yes, we hear of the need to go back to full operation as was done before Covid, but we will see where

it goes in the future. Josh and his staff, however, have a desire to be open on limited hours to serve the community.

Speaking of Parks, improvements continue to being made at the Playground Park west of the Swimming Pool. The partnership with the Quality Play for All group has been outstanding and the park is “First Class.” We continue to plan for improvements at Helland Park and work with the South Kiwanis group to make improvements in Coranado Park. There are also plans being made to build a new neighborhood park in a residential area in the NW corner of the City. Presently there are no City playgrounds west of Highway 77.