Aug 24, 2022

Students return to the Cloud County Community College Geary County campus

Posted Aug 24, 2022 10:00 AM

By Dewey Terrill 

JC Post

There are more students attending class on the Geary County campus of Cloud County Community College now than there have bene since before the COVID-19 pandemic began. 

Jennifer Zaboktrsky, Campus Director, said it feels good to have the parking lot with more vehicles in it than during the past couple of years. The campus is moving closer to 200 students. The latest enrollment count late last week totaled around 175. "That's down still from where we were a number of years ago. That 175 is the students that are here on our campus. That doesn't include online ( students )." Many students take online classes. "One way that we have adapted is by serving those students who live within driving distance of Junction City, but maybe because of work or families they're taking online classes."

There is now a nursing program at the campus. Zaboktrsky said  there are 18 students in their first year in the program that will graduate in May with an associate degree in nursing. " They will be prepared to take an exam to become a registered nurse. Eighteen more students will also be admitted into the program in January. 

The school is also working on offering more sections of the certified nurses aid class. "So we're always looking for CNA instructors. They have to be a registered nurse with experience working in a long term care facility."