Recent Booking Activity for the Geary County Detention Center. All persons included in this post are innocent of crimes until proven guilty in a court of law.
Bonds have been posted. Photos are unavailable.
Karissa Gosney, Interference with LEO, Aggravated endangering a child, reckless situation to child <18, arrested 04/12
Marco Cadet, Failure to appear, arrested 04/12
Gary Lopez, Disorderly conduct, Interference with LEO, Battery against a law enforcement officer, Criminal deprivation of property, Domestic battery, Possession of drug paraphernalia, Possession of marijuana, arrested 04/12
Melanie Lopez, Interference with LEO, arrested 04/12
Kailynn Castleberry, Failure to appear, arrested 04/12
Rosalie Gibson, Cancelled/suspended/revoked drivers license, arrested 04/12
Tiara Porter, Criminal deprivation to property, arrested 04/12
Chyna Campbell, Unlawful damage to property, Battery, arrested 04/13
Logan Brown, Aggravated endangering a child, Reckless situation to child <18, arrested 04/13
Tia Brown, Aggravated endangering a child, Reckless situation to child <18, arrested 04/13
James Washington, Failure to appear, arrested 04/13
Damani Bisio, Transporting of alcoholic beverage, Possession of marijuana, Interference with law enforcement, Prohibiting drug paraphernalia, arrested 04/14
Anita Hayes, Failure to appear, arrested 04/14
Jose Ramirez Castillo, Driving while license cancelled/suspended or revoked, arrested 04/14
Javon Calvin, Prohibiting drug paraphernalia, Possession of marijuana, arrested 04/14
Precious Parks, Prohibiting drug paraphernalia, Possession of marijuana, arrested 04/14
Guarien Grullon, Possession of marijuana, Use/possess with intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body, arrested 04/14
Jessy Marceline, Use/possess with intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body, Possession of marijuana, arrested 04/15
Michael Cordray, Failure to appear, Cancelled/suspended/revoked drivers license, arrested 04/15
Stephanie Boyer, Failure to appear, arrested 04/15
Recent Booking Activity for the Geary County Detention Center. All persons included in this post are innocent of crimes until proven guilty in a court of law.