The Junction City Police Department Community Involvement Unit says they are accepting applications for the Law Enforcement Summer Camp June 9th thru 13th. They are limited to only being able to accept 25 kids. The camp is open to students going into the grades of 7th, 8th and 9th. The application deadline is May 9th.
Applications can be picked up from the Junction City Middle School, the Junction City High School or at the Junction City Police Department. Completed applications can be given to the School Resource Officer at the Junction City Middle School, Junction City High School, mailed, emailed or hand delivered to the Junction City Police Department, 210 E. 9th Street.
Applications received after May 9th will not be considered. Any questions contact School Resource Officer Eddie Torres at [email protected] or Sgt. Eliel Borges at [email protected] or by simply calling the Junction City Police Department at 785-762-5912.