Dec 08, 2020

Covid-19 outbreak reported at Valley View Senior Life

Posted Dec 08, 2020 7:12 PM


Valley View Senior Life Executive Administrator provides details on the current status of Valley View Life.

The Executive Administrator Tyrone Wilkens said Tuesday that there has been an outbreak of positive COVID-19 cases at Valley View Senior Life in Junction City. This past weekend as a precautionary measure they screened residents at the facility for COVID-19 and unfortunately received positive results for multiple residents.

The management team implemented protocols that included limiting movement at Valley View Senior Life to help prevent further / potential exposure.

Wilkens said that they understood this update may be unsettling, they will continue to take every precaution possible. He told residents, families and other responsible parties that as they are probably aware the CDC guidance indicates the virus can take up to 14 day after exposure for an individual to start showing signs and symptoms. There are resources in the building and additional ongoing instruction and education has been provided to employees.

One of the steps is to monitor residents every shift for COVID-19 signs and symptoms. If other residents display symptoms, the management team and care staff will work with the resident's physician and family for care.

Valley View Senior Life has appropriately notified KDHE, Geary County Health Department, Geary County Emergency Services and CMS.  Wilkens added that they will continue to provide updates on any changes.

For residents and families or other responsible parties you can call 785-762-2162 or email them at [email protected].


Tammy Von Busch, Geary County Health Officer, has been notified by Valley View about 48 positive tests including 38  residents and 10 staff members. "So we're working with them on getting all the names and everything so that we can reach out and give them their isolation or quarantine orders as well as ensure that appropriate members are being quarantined."

Von Busch said Valley View has activated their COVID unit so that they can begin isolating people away from other residents who aren't positive. "And they'll continue to work with us and work with the hospital on getting additional testing and everything done."

Von Busch did note that up until this point Valley View had done a good job of keeping COVID out of their facility. "It's always just a matter of time until something happens. People have done a great job of being cautious and making sure that they don't affect the residents as much as possible but unfortunately they do have an outbreak occurring now."

Von Busch indicated that she was not aware whether any of the residents who tested positive were being hospitalized.