Dec 13, 2023

USD 475 works to implement a new program

Posted Dec 13, 2023 11:23 PM

Geary USD 475 students with 95% attendance, zero discipline referrals and at least a 3.0 grade point average will be recognized in the near future, said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Reginald Eggleston. "So second semester when we come back schools will have programs in their buildings in order to start recognizing that."

Eggleston noted that the areas that will be emphasized, attendance, behavior and academic achievement are part of the District's strategic plan. "That's what we're all about. We are schools, we're about educating children. " To provide that education those three attributes must be in place.

Eggleston added that the District wants to provide the best possible educational opportunities, best environment and that students can thrive in USD 475. "When students walk across the stage we want them to be prepared o go into any walk of life. "

This program will be rolled out in the second semester.