During round two of the recent successful PowerUpJc promotion to support local businesses the Junction City Area Chamber of Commerce set a budget of $10,000. PowerUpJC sold gift cards on behalf of local businesses and then provided 100% in matching funds for each sale, doubling the value of each purchase.
The funds were used up in just six minutes. Dawn Stephens, Director of Member Relations, stated that officials were certain that the funds would be gone even sooner for round two than in round one of the promotion when $11,000 were used up in just four hours. In round two it took just six minutes.
Stephens that you read that right, six minutes" She added, "The webstore was so quickly overwhelmed that when we attempted to shut it down just before hitting the $10,000 mark it took another thirty seconds to respond and by the time all was said and done, we had sold over $13,000 worth of gift cards. We were utterly stunned by the speed at which all of this happened. Also thrilled for our community members and especially business owners. "
But now the Chamber needs to raise more funds to help cover the unexpected sales overage. Mickey Dean, President of Operations, said “Our donors have already been so generous, we simply can’t ask them for more. We had to figure it out on our own and this is how the Junction City Community-Wide 50/50 Raffle came to fruition.”
The Chamber will sell raffle tickets from June 17th - July 1st. Ticket costs are $5 each or five tickets for $20. Tickets will be available in the Chamber office, at Business After Hours, and online.
“This is a great opportunity for us to cover the PowerUpJC sales overage and an exciting chance for someone to win a significant amount of money!” added Jeff Underhill, Chairman of the Chamber’s Board of Directors and mayor of Junction City.
This is how a 50/50 raffle works:
• Raffle tickets are sold
• Sales are totaled
• A winner is drawn and receives 50% of the sales