Jan 30, 2024

County takes action in EMS Services case

Posted Jan 30, 2024 10:26 AM

Geary County Commission Chair Trish Giordano is writing to provide an EMS update to the citizens of Geary County. Emergency Services are critical to our community, and I know this dispute has weighed heavy on many of you. In support of transparency and freely sharing information I wanted to issue this statement.

Last Thursday (1/25) the County staff and City staff held a meeting to further discuss the ongoing EMS dispute. The meeting was productive, and the staff of both entities continue to work diligently toward resolution. As of the issuance of this statement, the Junction City Commission has not responded to our invitation to a joint meeting. However, the County’s invitation to the City remains open.

At the City Commission meeting held on January 16 City Commissioner Jeff Underhill motioned to suspend all EMS service to the unincorporated areas of the County as of February 20th. Commissioner Underhill’s motion to suspend service was voted upon favorably and unanimously by the participating City Commissioners (Commissioner Richard Pinaire abstained).

In response to the City’s EMS cancellation deadline, the Board of County Commissioners, by unanimous vote, authorized our legal team to pursue remedies in law and equity against the City at the County's regular meeting on Jan. 22nd.  As such, the County has filed a Petition for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief against the City in the District Court of Geary County, in an effort to ensure continued EMS services to the citizens of Geary County and to resolve the EMS disputes that remain between the City and County.

The County will continue to meet and work cooperatively with the City through their staff. However, the City Commission’s repeated refusals to participate in a joint public meeting coupled with the repeated threats to suspend service to the unincorporated areas of the county have forced the County to seek injunctive and declaratory relief from the Court to provide for the health and safety of the public

City and County leaders have been at odds over the amount to be paid by the County EMS Services.