Jul 17, 2020

Eight new positive Covid-19 cases are reported in Riley County

Posted Jul 17, 2020 5:23 PM

By Vivienne Uccello

PIO, Riley County Emergency Operations Center

The number of COVID-19 recoveries continues to rise in Riley County. The Riley County Health Department (RCHD) reports 8 new positive cases since yesterday and 16 more have recovered. The totals are now 129 (-8) active, 250 (+16) recovered.

The Riley County Health Department (RCHD) in coordination with the Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) has identified an additional outbreak in Riley County. A total of 8 staff and residents have tested positive for COVID-19 within a unit at Meadowlark Hills in Manhattan: 6 of those are newly identified cases, 1 is a previously reported case, and 1 is not a Riley County resident. The majority of residents who tested positive are asymptomatic and were tested after being identified as having an exposure to a positive case. A total of about 80 residents and staff have been tested in response to this outbreak.  An outbreak is announced when 5 or more cases stem from one place and time.

“Meadowlark Hills has been, and continues to, take every precaution and measure to protect their staff and residents, and have acted quickly to investigate, test, trace and isolate individuals impacted by COVID-19," said Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Andrew Adams. "The health department has been in contact with Meadowlark Hills staff, and are working together to respond to this outbreak.” 

Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan reports no (0) COVID-19 patients and 5 PUI* patients currently hospitalized. The previously hospitalized patient, who was admitted in May, has now been released to continue their recovery at home.

While the majority of cases in Riley County have fallen into the 18-24 age range, COVID-19 adversely impacts all ages. A young person who does not feel sick or is not exhibiting symptoms may still be infected and can unknowingly spread COVID-19 to those at high risk. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with a positive patient, please contact your doctor or call the Riley County Screening Line at 785-323-6400. The Screening Line is staffed by a medical professional and is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Find more data for Riley County by clicking the Data & Info link on the Riley County Coronavirus website, www.rileycountyks.gov/coronavirus.

Riley County Statistics for Friday, July 17, 2020:

  1. Total positive cases in Riley County Residents: 382**
  2. Total Active: 129
  3. Total Recovered: 250
  4. Currently Hospitalized: 0
  5. Total deaths: 3
  6. Pending test results: 251
  7. Negative test results: 3,646
  8. Gender: Female: 44.5% (170)  Male: 55.5% (212)
  9. Average Age: 30.9 years old

*A PUI is a Person Under Investigation; a patient who has symptoms of COVID-19 and is waiting for test results.