Recent Booking Activity for the Geary County Detention Center. All persons included in this post are innocent of crimes until proven guilty in a court of law.
Bonds have been posted. Photos are unavailable.
Rajen Campbell, Theft >$1,500 < $25,000, Pocket picking, arrested 06/27
Luis Dominguez, Use/possess with intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body, Possession of controlled substance, Theft < $1,500, Pocket picking, arrested 06/27
Soses Moses, DUI-Liquor/Drugs, arrested 06/28
Todd Chard, Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, Use/possess with intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body, Possession of stimulant, arrested 06/28
Charles Reeves, Failure to appear, arrested 06/28
Grady Ford, Driving while suspended, arrested 06/28
Candice Thomas, Use/possess with intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body, Possession of marijuana, arrested 06/28
Darryl Perry, Use/possess with intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body, Transporting an open container, Possession of marijuana, arrested 06/28
Joey Zamorana, Criminal restraint, Criminal damage to property without consent (Value $1,000), Aggravated domestic battery, Choke in rude manner, family member/dating relationship, arrested 06/29
Jazzminne Stroud, Outside warrant, arrested 06/29
Precious Parks, Unlawful damage to property, arrested 06/29
Matthew Denkins, Criminal threat, cause terror, evacuation or disruption, Criminal damage to property, Domestic battery, Domestic battery, arrested 06/29
Lynda Bishop, Criminal trespass, arrested 06/30
Yenysia Mcgee-Sanders, Failure to appear, arrested 07/01
Recent Booking Activity for the Geary County Detention Center. All persons included in this post are innocent of crimes until proven guilty in a court of law.