Aug 19, 2020

Substantial increase reported in positive COVID-19 cases in Riley County

Posted Aug 19, 2020 9:08 PM

Riley County has 32 new COVID-19 positive cases, bringing the total number of active cases in the county to 153. Four people have recovered since the last health department report on Monday.

Two outbreaks in Riley County were announced on Tuesday including one at the Phi Delta Theta fraternity which has one additional positive for a total of 14 cases. The other involved the Blue Valley USD 384 office in Randolph which remains at seven positive cases.

A new group of 13 Riley County residents is also associated with an outbreak at a wedding that was held in Shawnee County. Riley County Health Department tracing staff are responsible for calling those residents, even though the outbreak occurred in another county.

“As people participate in more activities and attend events it is crucial that they take safety precautions,” said Local Health Officer Julie Gibbs. “Keep your distance, wear your mask, and wash your hands. We are expecting numbers to increase and the actions you choose to take now will make all the difference.”

Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan is caring for one positive patient.