St. Joseph Post
ATCHISON — A new museum in the birthplace of famous pilot Amelia Earhart is walking museum goers through the life of Earhart.
The $17 million museum was opened in Atchison by the Amelia Earhart Foundation.
Founder and President of the foundation Karen Seaberg said the museum is a unique mixture of history and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
"There are a lot of STEM museums, there are a lot of history museums, but there are rarely any that can do both," Seaberg said.
Seaberg said the museum centers around Earhart's life and every exhibit is interactive, including a VR experience flying Earhart's plane across the Atlantic.

And upstairs, Seaberg said there is even more to experience.
"You can shoot the stars, or look at the stars, just like Fred Noonan would have on the flight around the world," Seaberg said. "And you can use the sextant, you can work with radio waves, the atmospheric pressures you have all the way up to space."
Noonan was the navigator that traveled with Earhart on her journey around the world which departed on May 21, 1937.

Downstairs in the museum children can even dress up as Earhart in four of her different careers, which Seaberg says was a big hit with focus groups.
The museum displays the life and adventures of the pilot born in Atchison, Kansas. But it also explores the theories behind her disappearance.
Seaberg says while the museum does not focus entirely on the theories, they do have an interesting way to explore those theories
"We pick six of the (theories), there's multiple theories, but we choose six, and we give a for and against," Seaberg explains. "So, you get to see why that may have happened or was it crazy, and then at the end you actually get to vote for which of the six you believe."
Seaberg says the museum is the first of its kind and something that Atchison has never had before.
"We've had the wonderful birthplace, and it's a beautiful home museum, but as far as I know there's nothing across the nation," Seaberg says. "There are a lot of things named for Amelia Earhart all across the nation, even internationally in Derry Northern Ireland and other places, but nothing that combines the STEM and Amelia's history."
A grand opening will be held at Noon on Friday. You can find out more information about the museum HERE.