By Dewey Terrill
JC Post
Junction City Middle School began the school year with a good half-day session on Monday. Heather Oentrich, Principal, noted that the first day was smooth. "In terms of our students they all had their masks on, we didn't have any issues with that. We basically spent most of the day orienting the kids to the school and to the different procedures and routines we will have this new school year." Oentrich added that was especially true about the new students. "They were probably a little bit concerned about coming into a building they had never been to so our teachers really took time to talk to them about their lockers, tour the school and all of those pieces that they didn't get a chance to do before they came to school like we normally have."
Oentrich indicated there was a bit of a challenge involving pick up and drop off. "We had a little bottleneck of traffic rght at the pick up and drop off entrance to our pick up and drop off area for parents and so we've already problem solved some solutions to make that better tomorrow. Once everybody gets the routine down we think that'll run a lot more smoothly."
There were approximately 630 attending school in the building and another total of about 320 attending via remote learning. Oentrich noted that the total enrollment of about 960 is up quite a bit this year.