FORT RILEY, Kansas – On Wednesday the 1st Infantry Division hosted a combined Uncasing and Casing ceremony, where the returning unit, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Inf. Div. celebrated the completion of a successful rotation by uncasing its colors while the 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Inf. Div. prepares to deploy by officially casing its colors. Both mission sets build readiness, enhance relationships with partner militaries throughout Europe, support Assure Deter and Reinforce, and Operation Atlantic Resolve.
The significance of the ceremony is evident – for the first time in nearly 24 months, every 1st Inf. Div. brigade was present on the field for a mass division formation. A unique aspect is that 2ABCT has only been back stateside briefly. The CAB's most recent deployment occurred in 2021, and ended a few months shy of the 1st Inf. Div. deploying to Europe after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
“I’m proud of the resiliency and tenacity of Dagger Brigade Soldiers,” said Col. Bryan Harris, commander of the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division. “During my time here, the brigade has weathered two National Training Center (NTC) rotations, multiple deployments, and countless days training in service and support of this country. I am proud to be their commander.”
The 1ID CAB will deploy to Europe to replace the 3rd Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade, where the unit will hit the ground running by participating in Combined Resolve, a recurring USAEUR-AF exercise series held at 7th Army Training Command and Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Bavaria.
“The 1st Combat Aviation Brigade has some of the Army's best Soldiers and Aviators. We have trained diligently over the past year in preparation for our deployment,” said Col. Chad Corrigan, the 1ID CAB commander. “The Demon Brigade is more than ready to deploy to support this mission and continue to strengthen our established relationships with our European Allies and partners.”
1st Infantry Division Public Affairs