JC Post
Sep 08, 2020

Riley County has 121 new positive COVID-19 cases

Posted Sep 08, 2020 8:06 PM

Riley County has 121 new positive cases and 72 recoveries since Friday’s report. A total of 95, or 79%, of the new cases are patients between the ages of 18-24.

Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan is caring for 4 positive patients at this time. The patients have symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization. One of the positive patients is on a ventilator.

Riley County Health Department said they're partnering with KDHE and the Kansas National Guard to provide free testing events in Riley County this week. Due to expected rain and wind, the September 9, 7-10 a.m. testing event in Manhattan will now take place at Pottorf Hall in CiCo Park instead of in the parking lot at Manhattan Town Center. Participants will drive through the barn north of Pottorf Hall to get swabbed and volunteers will place the donated food in the trunk of the car. Alternative sites for the other testing locations will be announced if changes are needed. Please check the Riley County Coronavirus website https://www.rileycountyks.gov/1857/Novel-Coronavirus-2019-nCoV or the Riley County Health Department's Facebook page for updates. 

Anyone who has symptoms, is a close contact of a positive patient, or would like information about how to get tested should contact their health care provider or call the Riley County Screening Line at 785-323-6400. The Screening Line is staffed by nurses and is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.15 Active Outbreaks in Riley County:Fraternities:

  1. Delta Sigma Phi: 20
  2. Phi Delta Theta: 21
  3. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: 5
  4. Theta Xi: 10


  1. Alpha Delta Pi: 12
  2. Alpha Xi Delta: 7
  3. Chi Omega: 6
  4. Gamma Phi Beta: 5
  5. Kappa Delta: 7
  6. Kappa Kappa Gamma: 9
  7. Pi Beta Phi: 5
  8. Sigma Kappa: 6

Homestead Assisted Living: 9

KSU Football: 12

USD 384 BoE/Administration Building: 7

Riley County Statistics for Tuesday, September 8, 2020:

  1. Total positive cases in Riley County Residents: 1,295
  2. Total active: 728
  3. Total recovered: 561
  4. Total deaths: 6
  5. Pending test results: 183
  6. Negative test results: 7,570
  7. Average age: 26.8 years old
  8. Gender: Female: 48.6% (630), Male 51.4% (665)